Sunday, February 03, 2008

the earth's navel:

0'0'0' degrees... mitad del mundo... killing time... before flight LAN 1443 to Guayaquil...

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Rainy day in Quito
I have spent the last couple of days running around trying meet people at the Pontífica Universidad Católica de Ecuadot (PUCE) and seeing various other people from NGO´s and Museums. It has been raining relentlessly. I spent a couple of hours walking around the old town in Quito trying to find some Alpaca wool for Misty (without much success) and got soaked to the bone. It´s that kind of drizzly rain that hangs in the air and makes sure to get into everything. The Carnaval starts this weekend. I had originally planned to visit Ambato but have not been feeling to well so I have decided to stay in Quito until tomorrow, when I am due to fly out back to Buenos Aires before heading back to Manchester. Let´s see whether there´s anyhting exiting happening.